Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Web-Based Vocab Game on at Seventh Grade SMPN 2 Senduro
Vocabulary, Web-based Vocab Game, GameAbstract
The research objective of this research was to improve students’ vocabulary mastery using web-based game vocab game on at seventh grade SMPN 2 Senduro. The design used in this research was classroom action research that includes planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. The minimum score determined by the researcher to reach the criteria of success is 73 with a percentage of 70% by the total of the students in the class. Based on the students’ mean score, it could be seen that 60% of students reached the minimum score. The students’ score increased after implementing web-based vocab game on The researcher conducted cycle two in order to increase the percentage of students’ who achieve the minimum score. The result of vocabulary test in cycle two showed that implementing of using web-based vocab game on with different treatment was successful and there were 85% of students who got the minimum score set. Therefore the implementation of using web-based vocab game on could improve students’ vocabulary mastery.
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