Grammatical Errors In Writing Procedure Text Made by The Ninth-Grade Students of MTs Unggulan Nuris Jember
grammatical errors, writing, procedure textAbstract
Writing and grammar cannot be separated from each other because grammar is a useful component to make writing well structured. Yet, the fact that the first and foreign languages' rules are dissimilar seems to cause students to still make grammatical errors in English writing. This research aims to highlight the students’ grammatical errors in the writing by applying an error analysis approach to classify the errors committed by the learners while they produce the target language. Two research questions were formulated in this research. 1) what types of grammatical errors are found in writing procedure text made by ninth-grade students of MTs Unggulan Nuris Jember? 2) what is the most frequent type of grammatical errors found in writing procedure text made by ninth-grade students of MTs Unggulan Nuris Jember? The research used a qualitative descriptive research design. The data collected from the original students writing procedure text on making a plate of fried rice. The researcher analyzed the types of grammatical errors in students’ writing based on Dulay, Burt, and Krashen’s theory, whereas the steps of analyzing the errors were adopted from Ellis's theory. The result of analyzing the data showed that the number of errors that occurred was 112 times. The researcher found the types of grammatical errors in students’ writing procedure text made by ninth-grade students were: Omission (44 times), Addition (23 times), Misformation (35 times), Misordering (10 times). The researcher found the most frequent type of grammatical errors made by students’ writing procedure text was in the category error of omission. It was obtained from calculating each category of errors type. The results showed that students still tended to make grammatical errors. Thus, knowing the common types of errors is an important step to inform the teachers where to direct their efforts regarding the most problematic area students face while producing English. It also assists the teachers in devising teaching strategies that might minimize students’ errors.
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