Think Pair Share Technique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension
reading comprehension, think pair share, recount textAbstract
In preliminary study, reading comprehension of tenth grade of SMK Asy-Syafaah Jember needs improvement. The researcher found that the student of tenth grade had difficulties in reading comprehension. The objective of this research is to describe how the implementation of Think Pair Share technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension. The researcher applied this technique to make the students active in teaching learning process through pairing discussion and sharing with their classmates. The material of this research was recount text. The researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. This research was carried out in one cycle. There were significant improvements of the students score after using this technique. On the preliminary study there were 23 (3 of students) who reached the passing grade. However, in cycle 1 there were 77% (10 students) who got the score above the passing grade. Besides, students were more active and could enjoy the class. Hence, by discussing with a group, it motivated them to learn and the students were eager competing to share the right answer in the whole class. It means that the implementation of Think Pair Share technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension of recount text.
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