Role Play Strategy to Motivate Students` Speaking Skill for Eight Grader Students of Islamic Junior High School
english speaking, role play strategyAbstract
English speaking cannot be neglected in the learning process because English holds an important role. English must be grown up to the learners for preparing plays human sources, in order to communicate by using English as the international language. But students at Mts Nurul Jadid Karanganyar still feel difficult when the teacher orders them to speak English in the classroom. Some factors are fear of making grammatical mistakes, fear of being laughed by their friends and having less confidence in speaking or even they do not have ideas in their mind if they are asked to speak in front of the class. In addition, they prefer to use their first language when they have speaking activity obviously. To solve this problem, there are some strategy which was done by teacher, namely: 1) Teacher did the plan to implement role play strategy for speaking skill especially for student, in order to the implementation could run well in line with expectation. 2) Students tell thing such as; animal, then his group guess what animal is presented by his friend. this activity will make student getting motivation to speak English in front of friends. 3) Evaluation of teaching at Mts Nurul Jadid karanganyar Probolinggo was done routinely every month by the headmaster and all teachers. This thing was done by discussing about student`s attendance and the progress of them. It would be done continually for the shake of student. On the other hand, the evaluation talked about better teaching and more efficient learning for student capability.
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