The Effect of Giving Conference Feedback on the Tenth-Grade Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Achievement at Man 3 Jember
Writing achievement, descriptive text, conference feedbackAbstract
Feedback as a writing product is very important to help students get better knowledge and skill acquisition because through the information given by the teacher, students can learn more from the weaknesses they have made so that they can be better on the next task and on their writing skill. This study conducted to see the significant effect of feedback on the tenth grade student of MAN 3 Jember by using conference feedback and written feedback. The subject of this research is the students of tenth grade of MAN 3 Jember which consist of 29 students. This research applied a quasi-experimental design and quantitative research method. The instrument used in this research was a tests (pre-test and post-test) The research finding of the last result showed that significance value or the Sig. (2-tailed) from the calculation is lower than t table at significance level 5%. Which its significance 5%. Sig. (2-tailed) 0,00 < 0,05. in addition, the result of research showed that the students more motivated in learning english, especially for writing subject. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that conference feedback can be used in teaching writing descriptive text. The result of this research shows that students’ writing on descriptive text who use conference feedback better performance than those who do written feedback only without give correction orally
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