Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery in Sentence Writing by Using Faster Thinking Game at 8B Class of SMP Al-Falah Silo Jember


  • Nabila Hasanah IAIN Jember


vocabulary mastery, faster thingking game, Junior High School


The Vocabulary mastery of SMP Al-Falah Silo studets needed improvements. based on the preliminary research at 8B class student’s of SMP Al-Falah Silo, after doing survey, observation and interview, the researcher found that most of students had many problems in mastering vocabulary. Namely, low ability in memorizing vocabulary, finding meaning, and applying vocabulary in sentences. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) of Kemmis Tanggart (1998). It consist of four stages, they are planning the action, implementing the action, observing and reflecting. There were one cycle in this research, in the cycle consisted of two meetings. The criteria of success used in this study was equal to or higher than 75% and the Standard Minimum Score (KKM) was 70. The subjects of this research were 18 students class 8B SMP Al-FalahSilo. The data collection techniques were a combination of qualitative methods (Observation) and quantitative methods (Preliminary Test and Post Test). Based on the data, the implementation of Faster Thinking Game, the percentage of students vocabulary result is 27,7%, and increased to high percentage which is 78%. The researcher concluded that the implementation of Faster Thinking Game in teaching vocabulary mastery was successful. In addition, the mean score of vocabulary test were increased also.


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