Comparative Study Between English and Arabic: Common Noun vs Isim Nakirah and Proper Noun vs Isim Ma’rifah and Its Implication in English and Arabic Language Teaching


  • Nailah 'Ainayis Sa'adah UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Sofkhatin Khumaidah


Common & proper noun,, Comparative study,, Isim nakirah & ma'rifah, Language teaching


In Indonesia, there are many various pesantren and Islamic-based school which makes English and Arabic become compulsory subjects. Moreover, English and Arabic have some similarities and differences in language structure. Based on the preliminary study, most students usually have difficulties in understanding common and proper nouns. However, students tend to interpret common and proper nouns in the same way as with isim nakirah and isim marifah, even though there are some differences within its practical use. This research used library research involves the qualitative comparative analysis. The comparative features of English's noun and Arabics’s isim have proper aim in the teaching methods recommended for English and Arabic as second or foreign languages. Furthermore, there are appropriate and alternative solutions for teaching common and proper nouns in grammar and Nahwu, those are; Dual-Language Method, Grammar Translation Method, and Concept Map.

Author Biographies

Nailah 'Ainayis Sa'adah, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember



Sofkhatin Khumaidah




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