The Use of Drill Method to Enhance Curiosity Pupils in Speaking Skill


  • Vivin Devi Prahesti IAIN Tulungagung


drill method , enhance curiosity, speaking


Improving speaking skills is hard to be undertaken by the educator in the educational institution because of less practice. However, it can be overcome through choosing a valuable method to enhance curiosity in speaking that is simply approached trigger stimulus and respond to pupils to be active speaking. Improving speaking skill is to make a collaborative drill method in class meeting and adopt the Lesson Study Phase as study research.The objectives of the study are: 1) Finding out whether the drill method can enhance curiosity pupils in speaking, 2) Finding out stimulus and response pupils in speaking during the drilling process. The researcher used instruments of observation and documentation to collect data. This research was a descriptive study that adopted the step of Lesson Study. The respondents of this study were five grade pupils which were consisted of about 25 pupils. The finding showed that pupils interested in speaking skill by drill method that they are also able to enhance curiosity either the subject or speaking process. Almost 5,00 of 25 pupils have interested to ask questions by the English language which remained approximately 1,00 are quite. Therefore, it can be concluded that by drill method enhance curiosity pupils on all subjects that have been taught by the English language.


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